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A novel algorithm for generating random fiber distributions for fiber reinforced composites based on lattice partition

This paper propose a random fiber distribution generation algorithm based on lattice partition, which addresses the issue of limited increase in fiber volume fraction caused by the random movement of fibers in previous methods. By partitioning the representative volume element (RVE) window into lattices and moving fibers directionally, the proposed algorithm significantly increases the number of fibers within the RVE window. The generated fiber distribution achieves a fiber volume fraction of up to 80%, with an average execution time of 243.4s. The influence of algorithm parameters on the randomness of fiber distribution is examined through statistical analysis of the generated distributions. Finite element models with various parameters are established to predict the elastic properties of the composites. The average relative error between the predicted values and the experimental results is 8.6%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. This algorithm offers a simple and effective approach for generating fiber distributions in the numerical study of the micromechanics of composites.


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